Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Plague: a scurrilous tale of monkey on our backs

So, since pregnancy is the new black...I had resolved to get to the baby-making already! Valentine's day comes along, that old chestnut, and it finds me eating an entire box of chocolates, a pack of wine gums and tromping through the snow with matt, making distasteful (though admittedly hilarious) jokes about my fertility. Only to come to the conclusion that while fertile i may be, I don't actually want anything to do with a baby. so, I am giving up the baby-making for lent...yes that's right. i believe it's what's meant to be, for religious purposes only of course. So, now i am eating a bag of reese's pieces for breakfast. because i am lazy and disgusting. and trying to find anyway i can to put off cleaning my room or doing anything productive at all! Which, of course, finds me here. reading graeme's post, listening to Tina Dico, and wishing i had more groceries in my fridge. i have an abnormal amount of tasty cheeses...but nothing to pair them with to do them justice unfortunately. I think i will go and make some sort of cheesy concoction and watch some lazy sunday television. perhaps i will gain some inspiration from learning about superpowers on Heroes, or through watching Lost and pining for my dear Boone.

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