Friday, February 16, 2007

Guelph for Soca Night & BA Baracas Band

So I have been sick for a week and that really should have given me the time to write about my Friday night in Guelph, but what can I say my bed is way too comfy and I was in pain. Anyway so my cousins Brianna and Jonathan invited me to Guelph last Friday for a good old Trini Soca Fete (party). So earlier that day I TAed at Ryerson and then went to Riley's pub with a guy I used to TA with there, Sean. So long story short we had two pitchers with no lunch and that equals a drunk Graeme at 12PM! So I go home and take a well deserved nap and get on the 4:15 bus for the long traffic riddled bus ride to Guelph. A little aside here, I hate the bus, especially a full bus (Okay I am sounding a little spoiled here), but its not the comfiest thing, especially sitting next to the toilet. Thankfully there was no bomb dropping going on. So I get to Guelph and am at my cousins apartment along with about 6 other trini people and all of us are drinking heavily as good trinis usually do. So a bottle of rum later we make our way to the club to try to avoid the bus that is bringing people from Toronto. My cousin at this time is sneaking a water bottle of rum into the club. Smart boy that one. I taught him everything he knows. Not really I can't take credit for him. But anyway nothing really to report at the party just a lot of trini white girls getting on STINK! who says white people cannot grind. Also the beers in guelph are cheap, $4 for a keiths, yes please I will have two at a time. We leave the club at 2:30 after being there at 10! All tired and craving pizza, with my drunk cousin Jonathan in tow. That kid can drink so much but when he gets drunk he instantly acquires a 1000 yard stare and he becomes absolutely unintelligible. We make it to my cousin Carynn's apartment (she lives in family housing as she has a daughter) and Jonathan and I are relegated to sleep in the basement (apparently we only saw in the morning that there was a sign that said it was both unsafe and against the law to use the basement as a bedroom). So sleeping from 4 till 12 on a foam mattress that was so bad my shoulder was touching the ground is not pleasant and needless to say I needed to nap once I got back into Toronto.
That nap was well warranted because Saturday night I went to see The BA Baracas band. Imagine two guys a bongo drum, a guitar and kazoos playing hits and your favorite tv show theme songs from the 80s. Music Gold! This excursion was arranged by none other than Carolyn with the supporting cast of Alyson, Naomi, Courtney and I am really bad with names because there was Alsyon's friend and Courtney's friend whos names escape me now. But anyway it was at Fionn Mac Cools on King and I must say its a tad pricey but I really like it and would like to go hang out there again. Needless to say my liver was not happy with me from the night before but I assaulted it with more beer and it took it like a trooper. After a couple hours of hanging out with the crew the band came on and it was fantastic a lot of sing along songs and the band did a great job with their interpretations. Kazoos kick ass as a musical instrument especially when they are kazoo SOLOS! But I was burned out and did not make it to the end of the night and came home to crash.
So wraps up my last weekend. We shall see how exciting this weekend turns out especially with my illness and all. Oh and for people posting comments, I really enjoy them just wish I knew who they were from!
(insert whitty closing line/quote here) oh wait I know.........
Punch a baby in the face because they are fucking assholes -Matt Armstrong


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