Tuesday, April 3, 2007

What she said

Its official I am in a rut. A rut that I desperately need to get out of. I feel like I am getting left behind. Everyone around me has a relationship going and I am that guy again, the friend guy. I have come to terms with that, I just don't really feel like I have anyone to really talk to anymore. But hey thats life right, it can't be all sunshine and puppies all the time. But sunshine and puppies would be AWESOME. I am biding my time right now with work and hoping to get playing golf soon. I am off to bed, goodnight world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well... well... what have we here?
two in a stew?

how about some words to
educate or inspire some libations?

Yes, for most people around this
time of season feels like a slump.
(Unless they are into heavy drugs)
Infact the canadian winters, while
somewhat picturesque and visually memorable were always brutal back in our forebearers day. It often resulted in
death or pyshical trauma. I have a theory that depression/ blas etc. is just mild death twinging at the soul. Well enough of that :)

So the summer is always the better part, where life becomes unstuck and unfrozen. Where there are more choice for adventure. and in the immortal words of adrianna "Yipeee!"

Besides you can always celebrate your freedom of choice by buying a new pair of pink shoes (sweet(?really)laura) or a new video game with lots of meaningless violence(graeme?)?

ps. Graeme, its good that you will be travelling, apparently toronto is only the 15th best city in the world to live in..also, notice laura's bravado when it comes to realtionships or people in general, hint: immitation is the sincerest form of flattery. (btw dont let her know i said its greatness she has, cause she has a tendency to get all ego-ed up and hyper easily).

btw, that movie "300" apparently is realy good...